Unlocking Efficiency: Navigating 2024 Growth Incentives, USPS MailAnywhere Program, and (By / For) Compliance

March 1, 2024by Team Assurety

In the dynamic landscape of commercial mailings, understanding and navigating USPS requirements and incentives presents a unique opportunity for growth and innovation. Far from just obstacles, the process of registering mail owners for growth incentives, ensuring By/For compliance, and leveraging the MailAnywhere program are steppingstones towards greater efficiency and cost savings. These challenges, when approached with the right tools and mindset, unlock the potential for mailers and mail owners to not only meet USPS standards but exceed them. 


The Struggle is Real: Understanding Commercial Mailers Pain Points 

At the heart of the issue, commercial mailers grapple with the dual challenge of aligning their operations with USPS programs while striving for efficiency and cost savings. The process of registering mail owners for growth incentives reveals the first layer of complexity, demanding meticulous management of Customer Registration ID (CRID), Mailer IDs (MID), Permits, Payment Accounts and ensuring accurate mail volume attribution. This is further complicated by the stringent By/For Mailer information and Mail Owner Identification requirements essential for Full-Service Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb) mailings. Each step requires a deep dive into USPS guidelines, a task that can quickly become overwhelming. 

The journey starts with the proactive management of Customer Registration ID (CRID) Permits and precise mail volume attribution, essential steps for tapping into the USPS’s growth incentives. This meticulous attention to detail extends to the realm of By/For Mailer information and Mail Owner Identification for Full-Service Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb) mailings, ensuring transparency and unlocking valuable postal discounts. Each requirement, rather than being a hurdle, is an opportunity to refine operations and embrace the benefits of compliance.

A Trio of Opportunities: Growth Incentives, By/For Compliance, and MailAnywhere 

Despite these challenges, the USPS offers a silver lining through its trio of programs designed to support commercial mailers. The Growth Incentives for 2024 promise reduced postage rates for First-Class Mail (FCM) and Marketing Mail (MM) to mailers who exceed their baseline volumes, a move aimed at stimulating mail volume growth. The By/For Compliance rules ensure transparency and accountability in mailings, offering access to postal discounts for those who navigate its complexities successfully. Meanwhile, the MailAnywhere program allows authorized mailers to use a single Permit for mailings from any location, significantly simplifying the mailing process and reducing administrative burdens. 

The Centralized Solution: AIMSplus™ Centralized Customer Database for all customers and all mailing plants/locations 

Central to harnessing the benefits of these programs is the need for a robust system to manage Permits, payment accounts, CRIDs, and Mailer IDs (MIDs) effectively. Enter AIMSplus™ , a solution offering a centralized customer database that stands as a single source of truth for all things related to USPS compliance and incentives. This database ensures that mailers can efficiently manage their operations, from ensuring the accuracy of By/For information to registering for growth incentives and participating in the MailAnywhere program. The system’s ability to validate all necessary data against the USPS’s PostalOne! system before submission guarantees compliance and streamlines the entire mailing process. 

The AIMSplus™ Advantage 

Users of AIMSplus™ are already reaping the benefits of this centralized approach. The MailAssurety module within AIMSplus™ not only validates Permits and CRIDs against USPS systems but also simplifies the selection of customers for mailing projects in Mail.dat jobs. This ease of use, combined with the assurance of compliance, has made AIMSplus™ a valuable tool for commercial mailers looking to navigate USPS requirements with confidence. 

A Call to Action: Embrace Efficiency with AIMSplus™

For commercial mailers and mail owners still facing the labyrinth of USPS programs and requirements, AIMSplus™ offers a clear path forward.  

  1. The first step is to experience the system firsthand through a demo, providing a glimpse into the streamlined processes it enables.  
  2. Following a trial on Assurety’s server,  
  3. The move to production marks the final step toward transforming mailing operations.  

This is not just about compliance; it’s about leveraging USPS programs to their fullest potential, ensuring mailers can sell more mail, more efficiently, and with greater peace of mind. 

In conclusion, while the challenges of navigating USPS programs and requirements are real, the solutions provided by AIMSplus™ offer commercial mailers a way to not only overcome these obstacles but also to capitalize on the opportunities they present. By simplifying the complexities of mail owner registration, By/For compliance, and participation in the MailAnywhere program, AIMSplus™ is paving the way for a more efficient, compliant, and profitable mailing industry. 

Sell More Mail! 


by Team Assurety

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Mail Entry and Payment Technology

Pritha Mehra (Vice President)

As a USPS contractor, Assurety defined B2B solutions for the mailing and shipping supply chain, and for the following USPS system functionalities: • Definition and development of solutions for Full-Service Intelligent Mail including: Full-Service ACS, Mail Tracking, Informed Visibility data reporting and communications, Rules for mail preparations, classification and verifications, MID/GRID creation, management and communication functionality, Qualification reports, Postage Statements, FAST appointment scheduling Content Management and B2B transactional functionality MicroStrategy OLAP reports design, Surface Visibility functionality; and The SASP (Seamless Acceptance) system.