SERVICESBusiness Intelligence & Analytics

The pinnacle of any data project is the introduction of advanced analytics and machine learning to enhance decision support. This is where “aha” moments come from.

BI & Decision Support

Businesses have used data to support mission-critical decisions for decades, but it’s never been more important to use data to augment decision support than now. And usage and implementation of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) services from Assurety makes your data easier to comprehend and use than ever before.

The majority of any data-intense project revolves around data export, transformation load (ETL) functions as well as statistical cleansing of the data. Without technically, functionally, statistically clean data, the result is bad data and bad decisions. With more than two decades of business and technical expertise – and a deep understanding of ETL, regression and data cleansing processes, Assurety is uniquely positioned to manage data-intense projects and programs.

We specialize in BI/Analytics projects and data warehousing as well as Very Large Database development (VLDB) engineering initiatives to make the solution work and deliver results even with large sets of data. We understand and anticipate the risks associated with each endeavor and are poised to proactively manage those risks and deliver results.

Assurety provides data governance for the entire postal/parcel ecosystem in the United States, an industry with more than eight million stakeholders and an ecomomic impact of more than $1.4 trillion.. Our data experts understand what it takes to prepare data for any decision support project.

Assurety levereages our expertise with powerful technology platforms to put you in the driver’s seat and allow decision-makers to slice and dice data in multiple ways — like a Rubik’s Cube — to get the fullest picture of their business.

This level of control cannot be achieved with a simple, traditional database. It takes data experts, architecture, solutions, storage, and O/S experts to engineer a high performing and easy to maintain database. Assurety has decades of experience and the skillset necessary to effectively cleanse and prepare the data in a way that yields the most insightful results.
Figure 1: View picture of your Geographic Locations with Assurety visualizations that presents attributes and demographics on interactive maps.
Figure 2: Get the fullest picture of your operations and campaigns with Assurety visualizations that present complex data sets in easy to comprehend dashboards.
Figure 3: Sumarize or slice and dissect data across multiple dimensions to gain holisitic picture or deep insight into your data-intense decision making process.

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Featured Case Study

Parcel Risk-Based Revenue Assurance

Problem Statement: USPS suffered millions in lost revenue due to gaps in the verification process for the last-mile delivery program. Shippers who use USPS for their last-mile deliveries often paid late, or underpaid for the service. USPS trusted Assurety to develop predictive analytics support to identify and target shippers who abuse the program and recover postage.

How we have helped our customers

Case Studies

Capital Investment Decision Support

Problem Statement: SG360, a multi-site commercial mail company, sought a partner to help their executives better allocate capital during a period of expansion. The company desired a deeper understanding of their operations across all facilities and operations to identify potential cost savings and to develop a long-term strategy for growth opportunities.

Financial Decision Support across Verticals

Problem Statement: Emory University School of Medicine had difficulty with transparency and reporting due to siloed modules in their ERP. They sought a solution that combined data from all sources into one system that could be used by all departments.

Performance Analytics Engine for Parcel Shipping products

Problem Statement: USPS constantly rolls out new products and services, but did not have an effective tool to review existing products and services for efficiency, customer experience and cost.

Customer Testimonials

“ Their ability to develop data mining strategies has helped USPS in multiple areas with decision support and new insights into the operations ”

Roy Gordon – Manager Marketing Portfolio

“Since 2003, Assurety Consulting Inc. has been providing technical direction, strategy and leadership for the B2B Mail.dat and Mail.xml data specifications which are used by the US Postal Service and industry partners. Add something about innovation!”

Roy Gordon – Manager Marketing Portfolio

“ IBM implemented Assurety’s Integrated Mailing Solutions (AIMS) at United States Postal Service in 2015, and the software is still in use today. ”

Bill Takis – Vice President and Partner

“I offer high recommendation for Assurety – without reservation.”

El Mostafa BAADDI – Director Regional of Mail Casablanca Settat


100 Carpenter Drive, Suite 206,
Sterling, VA 20164

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100 Carpenter Drive, Suite 206,
Sterling, VA 20164
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Mail Entry and Payment Technology

Pritha Mehra (Vice President)

As a USPS contractor, Assurety defined B2B solutions for the mailing and shipping supply chain, and for the following USPS system functionalities: • Definition and development of solutions for Full-Service Intelligent Mail including: Full-Service ACS, Mail Tracking, Informed Visibility data reporting and communications, Rules for mail preparations, classification and verifications, MID/GRID creation, management and communication functionality, Qualification reports, Postage Statements, FAST appointment scheduling Content Management and B2B transactional functionality MicroStrategy OLAP reports design, Surface Visibility functionality; and The SASP (Seamless Acceptance) system.